Our Work

Our Work Sets Us Apart

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Latino Connection is the national leader in community education and health outreach, forging initiatives that are first of their kind and span across the nation with corporate and nonprofit partnerships focused on a unified mission of educating, empowering and uplifting the Latino community.

Powerful Woman is a women-focused wellness initiative powered by Latino Connection in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control’s WISEWOMAN program.&nbsp…
DO IT FOR THEM is Latino Connection’s smoking cessation program that focuses on educating adults on the effects smoking has on children close to them…

Case Studies

Latino Connection is the national leader in community education and health outreach, forging initiatives that are first of their kind and span across the nation with corporate and nonprofit partnerships focused on a unified mission of educating, empowering and uplifting the Latino community.

Medicare eligible community members still prefer face-to-face interactions and relational events over other forms of engagement…
The successes of Cora in Pennsylvania did not go unnoticed! The community activation and local marketing leaders in Sugar Land…