In a time when everything was (and still is) uncertain, there wasn’t much information about COVID-19, except that it was highly contagious and resources such as hand sanitizer and face masks were extremely scarce due to the high demand and fear that existed among people. We started an integral campaign in partnership with organizations like AetnaTM, WellSpan Health®, Giant®, and Welsh MountainTM Health Centers, to deal with the circumstances that affected communities.
- Educate people on how to protect themselves and others from getting sick
- Provide information and tools on how to protect themselves and their families in low-income communities during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Provide everything above in both English and Spanish
- Prevent the virus from continuing to spread
- Support organizations that were providing free COVID-19 screenings
What We Did
Our campaign made use of “Cora”, Aetna’s Experiential Healthy RV, which went on a tour of several Giant® supermarkets and visits to examination centers for COVID-19 in Central Pennsylvania. Around the same time, 95 bilingual Pop-Up Events, in partnership with Aetna Better Health® of Pennsylvania, were held outside various businesses in low-income communities that are regularly visited by people in York, Lebanon and Erie counties.
At these events, we provided essential information and tools, such as: hand sanitizer, face masks, thermometers, and more.
How We Helped
We reached a total of 5,129 people.
Latino Connection’s Digital Ad Displays within businesses such as Mini Markets, Corner Stores, and Restaurants showed the times, dates and places where the Pop-Up events and COVID-19 tests done by Welsh Mountain Health Centers would be done. The Digital Ad Display units were also used to show tips recommended by the CDC on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
The screens received 472,500 impressions.