Our Story

Latino Connection is the national leader in outreach and education specifically targeted at reaching low-income, underserved communities. We have extensive, proven experience forging initiatives that are first of their kind and span across the nation with corporate and nonprofit partnerships focused on a unified mission – educating, empowering and uplifting the Latino community. 

Founded by George Fernandez in 2014, Latino Connection creates and activates programming in low-income communities that address every aspect of the social determinants of health. Our vast array of initiatives are focused on reaching families who are low-income, underemployed, uninsured, and at risk of health issues that are often the product of a lack of resources, education, and technology. Latino Connection’s unparalleled success comes from its resilient and deeply-committed team that shares an unwavering vision for helping underserved, non-white communities.

When the global pandemic hit the US, Latino Connection was the first organization that put boots on the ground to reach underserved communities with free and accessible COVID-19 testing and resources through its initiative named CATE, which stands for Community-Accessible Testing & Education. CATE is just one of Latino Connection’s many initiatives. The organization has successfully launched three additional mobile units which include RICO (“rich” in Spanish) and CORA (short for “heart” in Spanish) which reached seniors and underserved communities in Pennsylvania and Texas. Additionally, Latino Connection launched the Gateway Health Wholecare tour which made 60 stops across Pennsylvania in the fall of 2020. All of these initiatives aim to provide health education and resources that address the whole picture of healthcare by providing free resources focused on physical, mental, and financial health.

Latino Connection intimately understands the unique values, motivators, and concerns of Latino communities and again and again delivers top-notch results that empower and uplift our most vulnerable – and wonderfully vibrant- communities.


Latino Connection intends to strive to supply the mechanisms to create a collaborative community in all industries and environments that involve an individual that marks their community and beyond, resulting in a wonderful environment to live, learn, work and play.